The Ghetto | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hanging in the Ghetto with Bernie | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Garbage cans..........september 15, 1994. Thank God for big wide garbage cans.The kind with lids thats never on.When I'm rich I'll have them allover my house.Big wide with a bag already on and the lids conveniently left some what close but never on.There's nothing better than a open garbage can at 4:30 in the morning.Ready, waiting, Open.So convienentto throw away last nights condom,last nights beer bottles, last nightsfull ashtrays, last nights egghamburger and rice goulash puttogether when the munchies seemed intense. A good house on a beautiful beachwith garbage cans inside and outThe American dream.I know I don't have the houseor beach yet but I know one day I will because I havea big beautiful, lidless garbage canwith a bag already on.FestacInfinite love � Caption: Body Text: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Bernie looks outside the Ghetto. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Why Blacks need Afrocentric schools.Our kids are really successful in many scientific, math, etc areas. However sports and singing are always emphasized. The same emphasize of stars in what ever is given to all American children. Thedifference is the models of success are not given to black children in the other ares. It is a slight schism between the blacks who do this kind of stuff and the majority of black children 80%. TheBlack role models live in the suburbs and the Black children live in the ghetto. The Black children who live in the suburbs as we have all so sadly learned have tripled their suicide rates. Anotherfactor is the deliberate lowering of standards that liberal whites asked for and conservative whites complain about. We meant lower the standard to be WHITE. Not dumb down the schools so much thatwhite children are dumber than the mental retarded (lowest scoring) Japanese Children. I don't think a shoddy education is what the black paren | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Where Bernie comes from. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
African Science Before The Birth Of The "New" World by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima The reason we did not discover African science is that we were looking at primitives and semi-primitives. I shouldn't say we: It was a certain Eurocentric idea or assump- tion that the only thing that you could study closely and accurately were little, small-scale communities. These small-scale communities were the survivors of the holocaust that struck Africa. They did not realize that a civilization which had, in some centers, sophisticated technologies, was shattered by the slave trade and by the other horrors that struck Africa, both internal and external. They studied the periphery or edge of African civilizations. Whereas these things, which have only been uncovered over the last 20 years, existed in the shattered center. The reason we are %3 |
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